
Most parameters are optional and some combinations might not return a payload. If you feel that there should be data for a particular combination of filters, please reach out to

Parameter Type Is Required Description
category string false Applies to observation resource and can take laboratory, vital-signs or imaging values. If not used the observation resource requires "code" parameter which would return the filtered records from laboratory and vital-signs.
_count integer false Controls the number of records returned in the bundle. The default is 50 records. Use this parameter wisely to avoid timeout errors.
code string false Returns the records for the given LOINC Code. Follows the format &code=|777-3,|751-8
Applies to Observation resource.
component-code string false Returns the records for the given LOINC Code. Follows the format &component-code=|777-3,|751-8
Applies to Observation resource.
date date false Must follow the format &date=OpMM/DD/YYYY or date range as &date=OpMM/DD/YYYY&date=OpMM/DD/YYYY where OP is the Operator for that date. Acceptable values include:
  • eq (==)
  • ne (! =)
  • lt (< )
  • gt (>)
  • ge (>=)
  • le ( <=)
_format string false When set to &_format=json it returns Content-Type of the response in application/json format. By default it is set to text/plain
_id string false Returns the record for a given ID
issued date false Returns the records for the issued date. Must follow the format &issued=OpMM/DD/YYYY where OP is the Operator for that date. Acceptable values include:
  • eq (==)
  • ne (! =)
  • lt (< )
  • gt (>)
  • ge (>=)
  • le ( <=)
Must be used against Observation resource.
page integer false Used to retrieve data on a particular page. Refer to pagination for more details.
_sort string false Returns the records in sorted order. The prefix '-' indicates decreasing order; in its absence, the parameter is applied in increasing order.
researchstudy string true* MSK unique study number
studyid string ** Sponsor study ID

*True for all resource requests except /Patient, which require one of the following to return data: researchstudy or {id}. Patient requests submitted using {id} will return data only if that subject is part of the studies x-partnerid has access to.

** Not available yet